Bering’s Big Green Egg Grilled Lobster
- 4 Lobster Tails
- 3 TBSP. Unsalted Butter
- 3 TBSP. Grape Seed or Avocado Oil
- 1 Lemon
Food Prep:
- Use a pair of cooking sheers to cut down the sides of the lobster (opposite end of the shell).
- Use a small knife to cut down the middle of the flesh with a small incision.
- Heat 2 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons of oil in a small sauce pan until butter has completely melted.
- Cut tablespoon butter into two pieces, then two more pieces (4 total).
- Cut lemon in half.
- Use a small knife to remove a small piece of the flesh center.
BGE Set-up:
- Make mound of lump charcoal with electric starter or starter cubes in middle.
- With vents wide open on bottom and top, light fire and after about 5-10 minutes, use your ash tool to stir the charcoal into flat layer.
- Place grill on plate setter.
- Close lid and leave vents open until temperature reaches 425-450 degrees.
- Place the lobsters on the grill flesh side down.
- Place lemon on grill flesh side down.
- Cook for 3 minutes.
- Flip lobster and lemon over (shell should be down now).
- Use a basting brush to coat meat with oil/butter mixture.
- Add one piece of butter to lemon center.
- Cook for an additional 3 minutes.
- Remove lobster and lemon from grill.
- Allow both to cool for 3-5 minutes.
- Place a lemon pantry over lemon and squeeze lemon/butter mixture over meat.