Bering’s Fine Stationery
Please find the Bering’s Suggested Timeline below to help you plan the perfect wedding. Our Stationery Departments would be delighted to assist you with all your wedding paper needs. Come in anytime . . . no appointment needed!
Our suggested timeline for weddings
8-12 months prior to wedding date
- Save-the-Dates
- Personalized Stationery for both the bride and groom
- Custom Memory Book
- Engagement party invitations
5-7 months prior to wedding date
- Wedding Invitation Ensemble
- Day-After Brunch Invitations
10 weeks prior to wedding date
- Rehearsal Dinner Invitations
- Post-Wedding Stationery
- Shower Invitations
4-5 weeks prior to wedding date
- Wedding Program
- Gift Tags
- Favor Boxes
- Information/Direction Cards
- Custom Napkins
- Bridesmaids’ Luncheon Invitations
- Bachelorette Party Invitations
3 weeks prior to wedding date
- Menus
- Escort Cards
- Placecards
- Table Numbers
And don’t forget about our
20% Bridal Discount
on your Save-the-Dates, Wedding Invitations, Rehearsal Dinner Invitations and Thank You notes!
• Bering’s Stationery •
all things paper
- Save-the-Dates
- Wedding Invitation Ensemble
- Personalized Stationery, for both the bride and groom
- Custom Memory Book
- Invitations for:
° Engagement Parties
° Showers
° Rehearsal Dinners
° Bridesmaids’ Luncheons
° Bachelorette Parties
° Day-After Brunches
- Wedding Programs
- Menu Cards
- Escort Cards
- Placecards
- Table Numbers
- Custom Napkins
- Favor Boxes
- Gift Tags for Welcome Bags and Favors
- Information/Directions Cards
- Hostess Gifts
6102 Westheimer 3900 Bissonnet
Houston, Texas 77057 Houston, Texas 77005
713.785.6400 713.665.0500
Mon-Sat: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM Mon-Sat: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM